Do we know anything about information processing of our brain? Why is it for us not able, to add millions of binary numbers within a second like a computer? And, on the other hand, why can the brain solve much more complex tasks, where computers have no chance?
If we think about anything, we solve the details not with computer code - we solve any task with imagination, not abstractly: We think in (mirrored) images! Or as C.S. Peirce (1837-1914) 1902 stated: "All thought is in signs". We don't even solve arithmetic problems abstractly, but rather with our imagination.
Not even the measurement unit of the (first) informatics - the bit - exists in this second informatics. Pulses are not bits! Information only arises, where a pulse meets its twins or its predecessors or successors.
Translated into projective images, the bit can only be characterized by the sharpness of the image: the sharper it is, the more bits can be transferred between the source and the projection.
Compared with computers, our brain works very, very different!
Why is the information processing of nerves so far away from that of computers? Does the brain use a second informatics, we know nothing about?
The nervous system is full of mirror-inverted maps. What is the reason for this?
And why evolution developed so very slow delay lines (nerves)? We know, that the body tissue carries the electrical current (ionic current) much more better and very much faster.
And why does the nervous system use extremely sharp pulses to transmit information? They excite a neuron especially, where many pulse peaks meet.
Computers can't do anything with pulses, they use static binary levels ("HIGH" and "LOW") and clocks (Takte).
If we think about projections in time-delaying systems, for example about optical lense systems, we realize, that forward-running time (without tricks) can only produce mirror-inverted maps.
A look at some neuroanatomy textbooks showed the autor 1992, that the nervous system is full of them. It was the motivation to make 1992 the thumb experiment (german, english) and to write 1993 the book "Neuronale Interferenzen" (german). The 1990s brought simulations of pulse projections and acoustic cameras as the first application of interference networks.
The page is not concerned with Artificial Neural Nets (ANN) or learning rules, nor with synaptic properties of nerves. These topic areas are sufficiently investigated. If we talk about delaying, interference networks (IN), we talk only about delay properties of clockless (taktfreie) networks using pulse waves, about wave interference in time-delaying networks
Please pay attention: The page contains over four thousand files in over thousand directories, and the structure has grown over 30 years. So sorry, please save every link that is important for your work, otherwise you may not have the chance of finding it again!
Note: The circuits shown here as "wave interference networks" are not electrical networks, but rather nerve-like networks with extremely low conduction velocities. All channels, fields or rooms delay the pulses! The electrical node abstraction of a line is not valid here!
Find a further introduction and a rough overview in (german) (english).
(See also the Publications Directory)
In 1994 started a new age, when I got the first acoustic still-images with an EEG-datarecorder and the interference-net simulator "Bio-Interface", written by Sabine Höfs. It became the age of Acoustic Photo- and Cinematography, the age of acoustic images and films. Our first and most important partner was the german car industry. Porsche promoted us with lots of critical first tasks. And they ordered the first produced Acoustic Camera in the world - one week before 9/11/2001 for nearly 200,000 DM. Today it is a mass-market. Although it was patented in 30 countries, dozens of companies copied the idea. Hundreds of acousticians worldwide use Acoustic Cameras today.