Great discoveries solve problems in different, scientific fields.
Discovery of Interference Networks
The circuits shown here as interference networks are not electrical networks, but rather nervous networks with extremely low conduction velocities! All lines are delay lines. The electrical node abstraction of a line is not valid here. Time is required to overcome any distance!
After the idea of Interference Networks (IN) was born in 1992, initial experiments showed that we were not able to obtain high-channel and non-invasive "spiking" data from the nervous system. So we looked for a new idea. For this purpose, an 8-channel EEG data recorder was converted to microphones.
The "Bio-Interface" software promptly delivered the first acoustic (still) image (1994). Only then did we notice that hundreds of acoustic institutes worldwide were researching acoustic imaging.
Not only the author, Mark Konishi also wrote an essay in 1993. He remembered his teacher Jeffress. But the end of nerve network research had already been announced before Jeffress.
1943 End Before the Beginning: Birth of the ANN
1948 Jeffress? Who is that?
1991 First Doubts about ANN
1992/12 Thumb-Experiment
animated (german,
1993/06 Book "Neural Interferences"
ToC english)
1993/09 Modelling Inherent Communication Principles of Biological Pulse Networks (english)
1994/08 First Interference-Reconstructions from Synthesized Time-Functions and first (passive) Noise-Image of a Static Source* (german)
1994/08 Relativity of Pulse Propagation
1994/11 Interference Reconstruction in high Resolution
1995 Annual Report GFaI: Interference Reconstructions of Electro-Corticograms (ECoG). (german)
1996/03 First Noise-Image of high Quality, Fig.5 (english) or Bild 2 in
1996/03 Projections and Coding in Pulspropagating Networks - Virtual Experiments - Part 1
(PDF english)
Remark: In newer PDF-readers the greek characters in formulas appear destroyed: Save the file and print with an old PDF-reader!
1996/08 First Noise-Images and Noise-Films over Large Distance (170 m)
(english) or in the project report "PSI"
1996/11 Conference "Bionet" - Presentation Slides
(PDF english)
1997/11, p.172-173. Sound Reflection Discovered with Acoustic Camera (GEO-Korea)
1998 Signalrekonstruktion in leitungsgebundenen Interferenzsystemen - Virtuelle Experimente (Part 2).
(PDF german)
Acoustic Films between 1997 and 2004
How to understand cortical, holomorphic projections? Simulations of interference nets in nerve like parametrisation show well known phaenomena: mirrored maps, bursts, conjunction, zooming, movement, pain overflow or dermal projections (somatotopy). We simulate the homunculus and we find ideas for imagination and holomorphy. Is it coincidence or providence?
Is there an approach to understand our holographically organized nervous system? The first simulations of interference networks in nervous parameterization show well-known phenomena: reflective maps, holographic properties, pulse series (bursts) as codes, image fusion, image zoom, image movement, pain overflow or skin projections (somatotopy). We simulate the homunculus and find ideas for visual imagination.
ToC: A Second Informatics (Properties of IN)
ToC: Bio-Models of Nerve Nets
ToC: A rough Overview about IN
Just Coincidences? Calculations on the Nervous System
In Legacy of Karl Lashley, Donald Hebb, Lloyd Jeffress, Karl Pribram and Andrew Packard
A Local Lerning Rule for Delays
The Pythagorean Music Theory
Animations of Nerve Nets
Relativity of Pulse Propagation
Pain as Interference Overflow
Sharpness of a Pulse Projection
Distorted Projections
Burst Calculus
Basic Functions of Neuron
Homunculus Model
Chiasma Opticum
Properties of Interference Systems
Erste Werkzeuge
Pool of Neurons
First Pictures of Thoughts?
Variation of Background Velocity in EEG-Reconstruction
Simple wave field simulation
, english)
Reconstruction of a "G" with 30 channels
Reconstruction of a "S" with 4 channels
Delusive Projection of a "S" with 4 channels
Reconstruction of a "G" with 16 channels
Reconstruction of "GFaI" with 4 channels
Reconstruction of "GFaI" with 30 channels
A first attempt about wave propagation - the thumb experiment
(PDF german),
(HTML english)
Exploring waves at living animals - Andrews Squid experiments 1995
Interferencial EEG-experiments (german)
Can we see through nerves - first images of thought?
Variation of background velocity in EEG-reconstruction
Electrostatic mapping of heart (EKG) 1997
Birth of a new technology: Acoustic photo and cinematography "Acoustic Camera". Far from the mainstream of acoustic research, this crazy idea was designed in 1994 to demonstrate how interference networks could project images (with inverse time / with non-causal, negative delays).
Have you ever dreamed that one of your pages would be in the first 250 hits of the most popular search engine? The predecessor of this page had it around the turn of the millennium: when searching for "acoustic camera". No wonder: there was no second at the time. Their software was originally called "Bio-Interface" and was intended to interact with the brain. Unfortunately, the data from the nervous system were not good enough.
Press and TV about first acoustic images and films since 1997
Visualization of musical performances 1998-2009
Some early acoustic images and films since 1994
Acoustic films between 1997 and 2004
1994/08 First passive* acoustic images of a standing object
(PDF german)
1996/06 Passive* acoustic images of standing objects and
first wavefield movies
1996/08 First film and first images over far distances (200 Meter)
1996/10 First industry attempt - Letter labeling machine
1997/01 First image of a noise reflection
1997/01 Car: Silencer or engine?
1997/07 Dot matrix printer (film)
1997/09 Images and movies of a Motorbike
1997/10 Low noise of refrigerators
1997/10 Video-recorder (english)
- 1998/01 Aluminium roller plant
1998/02 Master class violin
1998/05 Berliner U-Bahn
1998/07 Linescan* of Trams in Berlin
1998/07 Linescans* of driving cars
1998/08 Power drill
1999/02 Stationary diesel engine
1999/07 Auto-overlay between photo, acoustic film and spectral analysis at an electrical toothbrush
2001/07 Two historical impressions about Acoustic Photo- and Cinematography
2002/10 Acoustic photo- and cinematography. Invited lecture to the
Helmholtz Symposium at the PTB Braunschweig "Feeling or Measuring?" October 29, 2002, 2:15 p.m. Lecture slides (german):
Invitation. Excerpt from the
PTB-JB 2002
2002/11 Flying airplains in Berlin-Tegel
2004/08 Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur bildgebenden Darstellung von akustischen Objekten. World Patent WO 2004/068085 A2. Published in 30 countries.
(PDF german)
2007/03 Physics of imaging reconstruction of acoustic images and films in time domain. DAGA 2007 (PDF german)
2011/01 Technik Museum Berlin: From invention to worldwide distribution - development of the acoustic camera (59 slides)
(PDF German)
* First acoustic line scan of a moving object was published by Brühl, S. and Schmitz, K.-P.: Noise Source Localization on Highspeed Trains (Transrapid) using Different Array Types. Internoise, Leuven, Belgium, August 24-26, 1993.
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File created sept. 30, 1995
Permanent revision / redesign.
Sorry for the german english.
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